Friday, April 24, 2015

Stormachtige ontmoeting / Liefde met slagroom

Auteurs: Liz Fielding, Marion Lennox | Miniserie: Stoere papa's | Reeks: Bouquet | Boek nr: 362 | Pub.datum: 28 apr. 2015

Korte omschrijving

De steenrijke financier Ben Logan is gewend zijn eigen boontjes te doppen - totdat hij tijdens een zeilrace in een cycloon terechtkomt en aanspoelt op wat een verlaten eiland lijkt.
Stoere papa's 1:
Samen op een verlaten eiland... kan het romantischer?

De steenrijke financier Ben Logan is gewend zijn eigen boontjes te doppen - totdat hij tijdens een zeilrace in een cycloon terechtkomt en aanspoelt op wat een verlaten eiland lijkt. Dan moet hij zijn lot wel in handen leggen van de beeldschone vrouw die hem vindt. In een grot vinden ze beschutting tegen de storm en warmte bij elkaar. Weer thuis denkt Ben zijn leven gewoon voort te kunnen zetten, maar dan meldt zijn redster zich. Ze heeft hem iets heel bijzonders te vertellen...

(2) LIEFDE MET SLAGROOM - Liz Fielding
Op dít soort verleidingen is ze niet voorbereid....

Sorrel Amery bedenkt de geweldigste desserts voor feesten en partijen. IJs met peper of komkommer, of een toetje in de kleur van je bruidsjurk? Geen enkel probleem. Dat dient zich pas aan als ze een bestelling komt ophalen bij haar vaste leverancier en daar alleen een zeer aantrekkelijke man aantreft, accountant Alexander West. De winkel is failliet, vertelt hij haar. Vreemd genoeg doet haar dat weinig. Want op het moment dat ze in zijn prachtige ogen kijkt, heeft ze een heel nieuw doel - en ook al een plan!

Deze verhalen zijn ook los verkrijgbaar.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Bride, the Baby & the Best Man is free

The Bride, the Baby and the Best Man is now available free at most outlets!

For those of you in a hurry, here are the links -

Barnes and Noble
Google Play

For those with a little more time, here's the blurb -

What do you when, three weeks from your wedding, a blackmailing aunt leaves you holding the baby?

Faith Bridges should be wedding dress shopping with her bridesmaids, finalising the menu for the reception, house hunting. Instead she's up close and personal with Harry March - the last man on earth she’d trust with her heart - a fractious baby and a four year old diva.

She and Julian may not have had the most conventional of courtships but he’s wise, responsible and utterly dependable.  The  exact opposite of Harry, who thinks that all he has to do to get her to stay and take care of his sister's children is to tease her, charm her and, when that doesn’t work, make love to her.

It won't work; Faith knows that love is like meringue  — all sugar and air, and about as substantial. And she has made a promise that she isn’t about to break. So why does she find it so hard to walk away?

And here's an excerpt

‘BLACKMAIL,’ Faith muttered for perhaps the tenth time that day. Her aunt was an expert in the technique. One of these days she’d call her bluff — except of course that she wasn’t bluffing. She never bluffed. But whatever crisis had befallen Harry March, Faith vowed that it wouldn’t occupy one minute more than twenty-four hours of her precious time. ‘Not one second longer,’ she informed the signpost she had slowed to consult — Wickham Ash being too small to appear on her road map. A timely reminder not to weaken.

Despite the urgency of the call for help, there was no enthusiastic rush to greet her when she drew up in front of Wickham Hall. A small stone manor house it seemed to almost hang from its wooded hillside perch above the river, dominating the well-kept estate that stretched for acres in all directions. It was timeless, peaceful and quite beautiful but Faith, long past the age when she could be impressed by this evidence of wealth, or the man who possessed it, tugged at an old-fashioned wrought-iron bell pull.

For a moment nothing happened then she heard a faint far off jangle in some distant servants’ hall. All impressively picturesque and charming no doubt, like the house, like the stunning bird’s-eye view over the woods to the river glinting silver in the evening light below her. Not terribly efficient, but pretty much what she would have expected from a man whose response to an emergency was to send for his old nanny.

The door was eventually opened by a middle aged man of military bearing. ‘Yes, miss?’ The accent was unexpectedly Scottish, the tone dour, the expression lugubrious rather than a grateful welcome for someone who had dropped everything to ride to the rescue, no matter how unwillingly.

‘Mac? Is it her? Don’t keep her waiting on the doorstep, man, bring her in.’ The irritable tones of a disembodied voice raised impatiently above the more insistent cry of a baby, that grew louder as it came nearer, cut off her attempt to introduce herself. A baby?
The man who had opened the door regarded her doubtfully for a moment before turning away. ‘It’s not Miss Bridges, sir, it’s a young female.’ Young was clearly not a recommendation.

‘I’m Faith—’ she began, but as Harry March appeared in the open doorway of a room leading from the hall, the comfortable shabbiness of which could only have been accumulated through generations of hard use, Faith’s attempt to explain her presence died on her lips.

The man whose summons she had raced to answer was, according to her aunt, irresistible but Faith had never doubted her ability to resist the smooth, boyish good looks and too-
obvious charm that oozed from the photograph in the silver frame that had pride of place on her aunt’s sofa table.

Foolishly, she had expected him to look just the same as a ten-year-old photograph. Ten years was not long and men, after all, changed less than women in the decade between their early twenties and thirties but time, it seemed, had dealt harshly with Harry March.
He still made a singularly striking figure; he was tall — far taller than she had imagined from his picture, probably because he was so beautifully proportioned, with the broad shoulders of an athlete and a strongly muscled neck to support the kind of head that more usually adorned the warrior statues of ancient Greece.

Pain, though, had chiselled away the boyish good looks, forging the smoothly handsome features into something harder, stronger, revealing a strength of character she would never have imagined from the softer features in that smiling portrait taken in his youth.

The confident curve of his smile had hardened to a straight line, the slight droop of his lower lip retaining only a suspicion of the reckless sensuality that dared girls to resist his charm. His nose, long and once arrow-straight now showed battle fatigue and his chin, deeply cleft, boasted such stubbornness that she almost flinched. But dominating the whole was a scar, livid against the tanned outdoor complexion, a scar that scythed from the centre of his forehead to his temple. It was no longer a pretty face, she thought, remembering her own instinctive recoil from such blatant and careless charm, but one that had been lived in and lived in hard. And the effect on Faith was far more devastating than the unmarked beauty that it had replaced.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Seine Frau Belle entzieht sich ihm immer mehr. Doch der gutaussehende Unternehmer Ivo Grenville ist entschlossen, um ihre Liebe zu kämpfen. Mit fantasievollen Geschenken versucht er, ihr Herz zum zweiten Mal zu erobern. Belle aber scheint das nicht mehr zu berühren …

Dass er Simones Tagebuch findet, ist für den gutaussehenden Journalisten Ryan Tanner ein Wink des Schicksals. Jetzt kann er der attraktiven Frau endlich ganz nah kommen. Doch dabei erkennt er: Simone verbirgt in ihrem tiefsten Innern ein dunkles Geheimnis …

Endlich hatte es der reiche Unternehmer Ethan geschafft, Claire aus seinem Herzen zu verbannen. Doch nach Jahren steht seine wunderschöne Exfrau plötzlich wieder vor ihm und weckt die Furcht, erneut von ihr verletzt zu werden. Kann er die Vergangenheit vergessen?

This link will take you to Amazon wherever you are.

This reissue handily coincides with an  English language edition of Reunited: Marriage in a Million, the first book in the trilogy which you can pre-order here on Amazon.

Popular TV presenter Belle is married to gorgeous billionaire Ivo, but beneath the veneer of her perfect life is the truth of their marriage of convenience. 

High in the Himalayas on a charity trip, Belle shares a secret that haunts her with two of her companions and, as she takes a look back at the past, she realises that things have to change.

On her return to London she leaves Ivo, resigns from her job and begins a search for the sister she hasn't since she was adopted as a little girl. She finds a lot more than her sister...

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Tote Bags n' Blogs

I'm over at Tote Bags n' Blogs today revealing the cover for my new Harlequin Romance, Vettori's Damsel in Distress (the third in my series about the ice cream girls Tempted By Trouble, Anything But Vanilla).

Go take a peek - I'd love to hear your opinions!

Friday, April 03, 2015

Flirting With Italian reaches Holland!

Bouquet Jubileumspecial – Eindeloos verliefd: Hartstocht onder de Spaanse zon / Italiaans voor beginners / Wild en onstuimig

Auteurs: Sharon Kendrick, Liz Fielding, Melanie Milburne | Reeks: Bouquet | Pub.datum: 21 apr. 2015 

Het kan verwarrend zijn om halsoverkop verliefd te worden. Sophie en Don Luis de la Camara zijn volkomen verrast door de gevoelens die ze bij elkaar oproepen. En dan zijn die gevoelens ook nog eens verboden...

Het is behoorlijk lastig om je tegen je verlangens te verzetten. Want hoewel Sarah even genoeg heeft van mannen, weet ze niet of ze Matteo di Serrone wel echt op een afstand wil houden...

(3) WILD EN ONSTUIMIG - Melanie Milburne
Zelfs wraak kan tot liefde leiden!
Bryony heeft alle reden om uit te buurt te blijven van de enige man die haar weet te raken. Kane Kaproulias is namelijk met maar één doel terug op landgoed Mercyfields: wraak op haar.

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Chocolate Box authors on their readers...

The Chocolate Box - a blog where I post once a month - is running Reader Appreciation Week and there have been some wonderful posts already from Kate Hardy, Samantha Hunter and Michelle Douglas on what their readers mean to them.

I'll be posting there this afternoon so I hope you can take the time to drop by and maybe enter the Rafflecopter for the daily prizes.

My April newsletter has just left the building  - there's a signup at the top of the sidebar if you're not on the list.

Here's a link where you can read it - and pick up the discount voucher for a download of A Stranger's Kiss!