Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Thirteenth Tale

I've just seen that we're being treated to Olivia Coleman and Vanessa Redgrave in a television adaptation of The Thirteenth Tale this Christmas so I went in search of my 2006 review of this book. 


A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to get hold of an advance reading copy of The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfield. It’s one of those brick-weight paperbacks designed to break your wrist, tough to read in bed, lethal in the bath (the two places where most of my reading gets done). The dh grabbed it first because I was deep in something else. He started reading and kept on going. “You’re going to like this...” he said. Often. And when he got to the end he confessed that he’d shed a tear.

This week, after I’d caught up with the latest Bella Brides book by Raye Morgan – lovely btw – it was my turn to go into weight-training. Last night I finally reached the last page and, yes, I was crying.

Here’s the cover blurb:

“A dark and compelling mystery in the timeless vein of Daphne du Maurier, about family secrets and the potent magic of storytelling.

“Vida Winter, a bestselling yet reclusive novelist, has created various outlandish life histories for herself – all of them invention. Now old and ailing, at last she wants to tell the truth about her extraordinary life. Her letter to biographer Margaret Lea is a summons. Vida’s tale is one of gothic strangeness featuring the Angelfield family: the beautiful and wilful Isabelle and the feral twins Adeline and Emmeline. Margaret succumbs to the power of Vida’s storytelling, but as a biographer she deals in fact not fiction and she doesn’t trust Vida’s account. We invite you to join her as she begins her passionate journey to the truth.”

What can I say about The Thirteenth Tale that adequately expresses my pleasure in every page? That the writing is simple, clear, expressive and utterly compelling, drawing the eye, the brain and the heart into the book. That I was captivated from the first and the story, an involved history of a deeply damaged and disturbed family, and that of the narrator, has strong echoes of Jane Eyre – indeed the book is quoted often – Wuthering Heights, even Henry James’ Turn of the Screw gets a mention. It has twins, ghosts, a governess, madness and love in all its guises. That this morning I went to Amazon to see what else Miss Setterfield has written, my “one-click” digit ready for action. Alas, there is nothing, only the information that she has written “papers” on Andre Gide and has taught French.

2013 Updated! There is a new Diane Settlefield on sale this Christmas! Bellman & Black

Sunday, December 08, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Tour with Jane Lark

12 Days of Christmas Tour with Jane Lark 12 Days Banner Final

Welcome to the 12 Days of Christmas Tour with Jane Lark.
After signing with publisher Harper Impulse, Jane, author of the smash-hit Marlow Intrigues series, has decided to end 2013 with a bang! She’s gathered together some of the industry’s best authors to create one enormous Christmas giveaway.
The huge prize is made up of more than 30 books, a combination of signed paperbacks and eBooks, and two gorgeous book bags. It’s the perfect early Christmas present for any bookworm and all you’ve got to do to win is feast your eyes on the details below and enter via the Rafflecopter . . .
To kick off the prizes, Jane is giving away copies of her much loved The Illicit Love of a Courtesan and its highly anticipated follow-up The Passionate Love of a Rake
NEWBookCoverQuote_IllicitLove NEWBookCover_PassionateLove

Jane's books have been a huge hit with fans, leading to an ever-increasing fan base and comments such as:
"Jane Lark has an amazing talent to draw the reader in from the first page onwards."
- CosmoChickLitan
And to celebrate her upcoming December release of NA novel I Found You, you could also win a unique rucksack.
The book is already causing excitement among readers and looks set to be the must-read NA of 2014.
IMG_1140[1] NEWBookCover_IFoundYou
But that's not all folks! As if Jane's books weren't enough, check out the other amazing books included in the prize pot, you're sure to find one or two of your fav authors getting involved . . .
12 Days of Christmas TP
  12 Days of Christmas TP2  
Entry to Jane Lark's 12 Days of Christmas giveaway extravaganza is easy, just follow the authors on Facebook or Twitter, plus maybe give the comp a shout-out tweet (or two) all via the Rafflecopter below and you're golden. But don't forget to keep your fingers crossed too!

Please take a moment to read through the giveaway terms and conditions:
This is an international giveaway.
Signed paperbacks are to be sent from the authors themselves. Jane Lark, BestChickLit and/or any authors involved accept no responsibility for delivery failures. The winner must be open to accepting eBooks in any format i.e. Kindle copies and via iTunes voucher, from different sources. In the event of .mobi copies, the winner must have an Amazon Kindle account and be prepared to add selected addresses as approved emails on their Personal Document settings.
Some of the books involved in the giveaway contain adult and sexual content and this should be taken into consideration before reading. Jane Lark, BestChickLit, Harper Impulse and any of the participating authors are free to amend any of the giveaway details at any time.
Good luck!

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Christmas around the world

It's December, and here's a roundabout of a few of my Christmas titles available around this world this year!

Gekust met kerst / Verliefd in de sneeuw

Als Lady Rose toevallig haar lookalike tegenkomt, aarzelt ze geen moment. Zo kort voor haar huwelijk met de uiterst verstandige Rupert lokt de vrijheid, dus ruilen ze voor een weekje

Harlequin, Holland

Hamupipőke tűsarkúban

Amikor Lucy rádöbben, hogy dúsgazdag vőlegénye becsapta őt és megtévesztette a közvéleményt, elhatározza, hogy leleplezi. Az üzletember biztonsági őrei azonban a nyomában vannak, és ő egy áruház karácsonyi forgatagában keres menedéket. Futás közben elveszíti a cipőjét, amelyet Nathaniel talál meg. Elhatározza, hogy megvédelmezi a halálra rémült lányt… 

Harlequin, Hungary


Lucy Bright si trova in un mare di guai: inseguita dagli scagnozzi del fidanzato non sa dove rifugiarsi. Il suo volto è troppo noto. Non le resta che confondersi tra la folla dei grandi magazzini più esclusivi di Londra, dove di certo nessuno guarderà una donna in cappotto rosso e con le scarpe in mano.
Nathaniel Hart è proprietario e direttore generale dei grandi magazzini Hastings & Hart. Tutto ciò che succede nei suoi locali non sfugge al suo occhio vigile, così non può fare a meno di notare il comportamento insolito di quella bellissima e misteriosa bionda. Chi è e perché si guarda intorno con aria impaurita? Ma la vera domanda è: perché dopo un solo fugace incontro lui non riesce più a togliersela dalla testa?

Harlequin, Italy

Idylle dans le désert

Ressembler trait pour trait à Lady Rose a toujours été un atout pour Lydia. Un atout qui se transforme même en conte de fées quand la princesse lui demande de passer, à sa place, une semaine de rêve dans le désert. Seulement, dès que Lydia croise le regard de jais de Kalil al-Zaki, le prince chargé de l'escorter à Bab el Sama, elle sent le trouble la gagner. Comment, dans ce décor des Mille et une Nuits, résister à cet homme fabuleux ? Comment, alors que tout son être brûle de mieux le connaître, ne pas lui révéler la femme qu'elle est vraiment ?

Harlequin, France

Lucy Bright nie wierzyła własnemu szczęściu, gdy ona – zwykła sekretarka – została narzeczoną multimilionera. Niestety okazało się, że ich związek to jedynie trick medialny. Na konferencji prasowej Lucy zrywa z „narzeczonym”, a uciekając przed dziennikarzami, wpada w ramiona przystojnego Nathaniela Harta. Kiedy Lucy znika w tłumie, Nathaniel postanawia za wszelką cenę ją odnaleźć. Czy pomoże mu w tym jej zgubiony czerwony pantofelek?

Harlequin, Poland

Lucy Gordon/Liz Fielding 
Från att ha varit modeoraklet Rupert Henshawes sekreterare är Lucy Bright nu plötsligt innefolkets favorit – och det stundande äktenskapet med honom har verkligen fört henne till himmelriket. Men då Lucy upptäcker att Ruperts intresse för henne egentligen bara är en väl genomtänkt pr-kupp inser hon att hon är grundlurad. Efter en presskonferens hon helst av allt vill glömma flyr hon förkrossad fältet, och var kan man bättre gömma sig än på ett varuhus där julhandeln pågår för fullt? Lucys hjärta är krossat, men när hon av en slump hamnar i famnen på en annan man verkar det som om det finns en chans till ett lyckligt slut ...

Harlequin, Sweden

Ein Traummann zu Weihnachten?

Lucy fühlt sich wie im Märchen. Verkleidet als Cinderella, findet sie sich plötzlich an der Seite eines reichen Geschäftsmannes wieder. Doch dann entdeckt sie: Es ist alles eine Publicity-Maßnahme, um dessen schlechten Ruf aufzupolieren. Schockiert will sie den aufdringlichen Reportern entkommen – und läuft dem attraktiven Londoner Unternehmer Nathaniel Hart in die Arme. Vom ersten Moment an lässt er ihr Herz höher schlagen. Aber kaum glaubt Lucy, endlich ihren Traummann gefunden zu haben, muss sie ausgerechnet an Weihnachten fürchten: Nathaniel sucht nur eine Affäre
Harlequin, Germany


Her Christmas gift came in a small velvet box...

"Isn't it strange how things turn out? A week ago I was virtually jobless, almost homeless, and had totally sworn off men--a sad way to be before Christmas, don't you think? Now I'm not only working for the most gorgeous man alive, but I'm living in his house!"

Meet sassy, smiley Sophie Harrington. Read in her own words how a much-needed job brings her up close and personal with rugged bachelor Gabriel York. Although Sophie is hardly a waif or stray, Gabriel ends up taking her in as a temporary lodger in his exclusive London home. How long before he realizes Sophie isn't just for Christmas--but for life...?

Harlequin, North America